We specialize in helping healthcare
providers dramatically improve their imaging services operational
and financial performance. Over the past seventeen years, we've helped
hospitals, radiology groups and imaging center operators significantly
reduce costs, improve productivity, and grow revenues. We are uniquely
able to achieve results our clients cannot generate for themselves
given our ability to bring focus, experience, knowledge and industry
"networking" to each assignment.
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Business Development More and more, hospitals and radiology groups are looking for effective ways of partnering with each other, or other entities, to expand their capabilities and presence in their respective markets. These relationships become complex and create legal, operational and managerial issues that must be addressed. AGI provides objective, experienced, high quality, professional consulting services. View More
Hospital / Health System References Lodi Memorial Hospital Joseph Harrington, Chief Executive Officer, Lodi, CA (209) 339-7560
St. Joseph’s Medical Center– CHW Terry Spring, Vice President Stockton, CA (209) 467-6402 View More |